News — pancreatitis in dogs
A Dog with Diabetes & Pancreatitis Regains His Appetite!
Posted by Michael Peterson on
Wow! I don’t know why I waited so long to try this on my pancreatic corgi! Loki just turned 11 on August 6, 2019. He was diagnosed with Diabetes and Pancreatitis on December 26, 2017. It was rough in the beginning, but things smoothed over a little after getting him on some prescribed Rx diet. But he was never really into it after all this time. And recently it had gotten much worse. Getting him to eat was like pulling teeth. A few times since his diagnosis, he had rough days where I thought for sure he was...
Dog Recovering From Pancreatitis & IBD
Posted by Michael Peterson on
My 16 year old dog, Casey, came down with Pancreatitis and IBD and my Vet suggested giving her several different medicines. I am not a fan of giving a dog medicine due to all of the side effects and all medicines are eliminated through the kidney’s. I joined a FB Pancreatitis group and everyone was talking about GastroElm Plus. Casey was lethargic, loss of appetite, nauseas, painful belly, depressed and she didn’t want to eat. She was so sick that I considered putting her to sleep to end her suffering. I watched a You tube video about Gastro Elm and...
Tips for Managing Pancreatitis in Dogs
Posted by Michael Peterson on
I’ll never forget the day that our toy poodle, Angel, was struck down by acute pancreatitis when she had just turned seven years old. She became so violently ill that we thought we were going to lose her. With blood coming out of both ends, our vet at the time, did nothing to coat her stomach or intestines. Due to her small size (6 1/2 lbs) she ended up spending two nights in the hospital and needing a blood transfusion in order to survive. Since then I’ve gained as much knowledge as possible from both holistic and non-holistic vets. I’ve...